
Venango Heart & Soul: A Community Development Journey

Venango County, including Franklin, Oil City, and Cranberry Township, is excited to dive deep into Phase Two of the Community Heart & Soul initiative, thanks to a grant from PA Humanities and DCED. This two-year project focuses on three key principles: involving everyone, focusing on what matters most, and fostering sustainable growth through long-term planning.

Phase Two: Engaging All Voices and Building Connections
Phase Two, “Connect,” is centered on deepening engagement with our community. The initiative aims to ensure that every voice is heard, especially those often left out of traditional community conversations. By organizing Listening Sessions and story-gathering events in various community settings, the Heart & Soul team is working to capture the diverse perspectives of people who live, work, and play in Franklin, Oil City, and Cranberry Township.

Through these interactions, the Venango Heart and Soul seeks to understand what people cherish about their communities and their hopes for the future. This process will help identify shared values and priorities, which will inform a collective vision for our community’s development. By focusing on these stories, we aim to preserve Venango’s rich heritage while guiding future growth in a way that reflects our community’s true character.

Why Stories Matter
Stories are at the heart of the Heart & Soul initiative. They help build trust, bridge divides, and uncover new leaders and solutions. Each personal story adds a vital piece to the overall picture of what makes Venango County unique. The goal is to ensure that every resident’s voice contributes to a vision that respects and celebrates our collective identity.

Get Involved
The Heart & Soul team is actively engaging with residents to gather input. There are several ways you can get involved: attend a Listening Session, share your experiences during community events like the Cranberry Festival, or invite us to speak with you or your group. If you want to help us gather or listen to stories, organize data, or help drive the program with other Heart & Soul volunteers, please reach out. Your participation will help shape a vision that reflects the values and aspirations of all community members.

For more information or to connect, contact Ashley at Join us in this exciting phase of the Community Heart & Soul initiative and shape Venango’s future through our collective voices!

This article was published in the Venango Chamber’s September 2024 VenangoWorks! Newsletter.

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