
LEADERSHIP: Great Leadership Demands Insight and Perspective

Each class of Leadership Venango has ranked business tours and interactive sessions as the most interesting content of the Chamber’s nine-month program, but without exception they speak of the value of our Community Caregiving Day as one of the most important days in their Leadership Journey.

Joseph Croskey and Kathleen Ellwood facilitated the morning session, helping class participants explore the different perspectives that should be considered in working with others, whether in the workplace, community, or family. The work continued into the afternoon with Kimberly Robertson’s presentation on poverty and its impact on individuals. The day was filled with “aha” moments, as we all shared and listened, inviting new perspectives to people and situations around us.

One class participant shared, “Unconscious bias is more unavoidable than I originally thought, and I will be working harder to see all sides, or I will ask someone to look at a situation with me, before making decisions.”

All class presenters are generous in leaving the class with tools to take and share, encouraging them to use their newfound knowledge when leading others.

This article was published in the Venango Chamber’s January 2024 VenangoWorks! Newsletter.

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