
Business Tip of the Month: Training

One could say that employees are one of, if not, the most important assets of a company, and providing employee training is a great opportunity to prove to them that you value them as well as their work. This month we will be talking about the benefits of providing ongoing employee training.

Employee Performance
Employee training can boost employee performance for a number of reasons and in a variety of ways. Training can show employees a clear representation of what the company’s expectations are, which in turn allows the employee to perform as desired.

Showing them how you want them to interact with customers, handle certain issues that may arise, and respond to various scenarios can ensure that employees are regularly delivering in alignment with your company’s brand and voice.

If the training is done right, everyone working for you should have a clear understanding of the values, policies, visions, and anything else you choose to include, and in turn, should be able to perform in better alignment with those expectations.

In addition to internal training, sending employees for outside training can enable them to stay on top of trends and innovations in your industry and can in return allow them to help your business adapt and be innovative itself. Being able to adjust and change as a business and employees can be vital to the long-term success of an organization.

Employee Retention & Promotion
Providing training can help employees feel more confident in their roles, resulting in a more positive work environment.

Employees can more easily feel satisfied with their work if they know without a doubt that they are performing as expected and they can better know how to ask good questions when they already have a solid understanding to reference.

Creating this better environment can be key in generating loyal employees who love their work and the company that employs them. Happy employees are loyal employees.

Once you have employees who don’t want to leave, you can begin promoting from within and generating succession plans, knowing your employees will have the training necessary to step up to greater responsibilities within the company.

Inside promotion and growth can look very appealing to people looking for a job and can help you attract ambitious and excited new employees in addition to the ones retained.

There are many training and leadership development programs available. If you would like a place to start, consider sending employees to the Venango Chamber’s own Leadership Venango in the future. Our Class of 2024 has just begun, so follow along throughout this year and learn how your employees could benefit from next year’s class.

This article was published in the Venango Chamber’s November 2023 VenangoWorks! Newsletter.

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