
Conservation District Announces Funding Opportunity for Farmers

The Venango Conservation District is pleased to announce a new grant funding opportunity for farmers. The Agriculture Conservation Assistance Program (ACAP) will reimburse eligible farmers in Venango County for installing Best Management Practices (BMPs) at their operation.

The Venango Conservation District received approximately $840,000 to be distributed to eligible farms in Venango County over the next three years. This funding is an opportunity for farmers to install soil and water conservation practices that will further farm management goals while also helping to prevent nutrient and sediment pollution into the county’s waterways.

The first grant round is now open, with applications being due to the Venango Conservation District on July 28 by 4:00 p.m. Awarded projects will be announced by mid-August.

For questions or to apply, please contact the Venango Conservation District by calling (814) 676-2832.

This article was published in the Venango Chamber’s July 2023 VenangoWorks! Newsletter.

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