
Getting Your Business Ready for the Season

Spring is officially here and with it comes the opening of many seasonal businesses and return of events that we all look forward to. Even those of us who operate year-round are likely to plan around the seasons. Our plan of work may be related to the weather or simply a business cycle. Either way, the change of seasons can be an excellent time to reset and re-energize.

As its name suggests, 4 Season Cycle is opened year around. Jim Cole, owner of the business, confirms that the summer season is very different than winter. Contrary to what some may think, people are interested in bikes, even in February, especially when there is a 70-degree day!

Adam Diem, the founder of Oil Valley Endurance, LLC works throughout the year to prepare for the Roughneck Gravel Roubaix, a premier gravel bike race, which is held in May. Adam stresses that finding ways to collaborate across businesses and across the region are key to being successful in planning his event.

Adam and Jim point out the valuable local asset of Two Mile Run County Park and both commit time to working on the trails and finding ways to get others to enjoy the Park. They also respectfully reach out to landowners, who may provide access to their property, especially for planned events.

It is important to remember that each business is unique and when working together we must be considerate of the differences from one organization to another. Jim shares that while it may be difficult to predict what each season will bring in business traffic, planning ahead is important to not getting overwhelmed. This year he has been able to acquire the inventory that was not available in the last two years.

Many Chamber member businesses that operate twelve months a year have distinct seasons, like the local landscapers and farm and garden stores. A stop by Agway in Oil City will indicate the change from snow shovels and sidewalk salt to top soil and garden wagons.

April will bring the opening of the Venango Museum to visitors and without a doubt an increase in activity to our local parks and tourism stops. This provides an opportunity for local restaurants and retailers to invite the added business. Those businesses along the path of visitors may be able to attract them in by adding clear signage, a friendly store front, or through targeted advertising – but it might also be a good time to collaborate with other businesses.

On one of our beautiful spring days, take a few minutes to stop by and say hello to a few of your neighbors. Consider leaving brochures, business cards, or coupons with other businesses nearby. And most of our communities are organizing spring clean-up days, with registration open to the public. It is a great time to work together at helping with public spaces nearby, sweeping, planting, and keeping trash cleaned up.

Our attention goes to the exterior of our businesses, but it may also be a good time to meet with your staff and plan for the changes that happen with them, including those that will have children at home for the summer, visitors of their own, or be planning vacations. Be sure to check the community calendar at, as an easy way to see what’s coming up in the County – and add your events too! Now is the time to anticipate how the change of seasons will affect your business and make certain you are prepared.

This article was published in the Venango Chamber’s April 2023 VenangoWorks! Newsletter.

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