
Career Street in Venango County

We’ve emerged from challenges brought on by COVID-19 and we welcome opportunities to reconnect. Returning to work, inperson meetings, dining, concerts, and many other gatherings are becoming acceptable again, but there is also a strain on employers as they struggle to hire at capacity to meet the needs of their business. This was a challenge before the pandemic and on this side of the pandemic, employers’ workforce needs are even greater.

It seems apparent the workforce is not growing to meet demand, so what is the solution? Where is the next generation of employees? They are going back to school, and we encourage you to follow them.

Pennsylvania Department of Education requires career exploration in school. Educators are looking for opportunities to present careers to students. Now is the time for employers to “go back to school.” Career exploration experiences such as classroom speakers, worksite tours, or virtual experiences require minimum time and are effective ways to help students understand your industry and careers. Career Street, an established and successful program serving Erie County, is now available in Venango County, thanks to a grant from the Northwest PA Job Connect.

Registering on Career Street and offering career exploration experiences is an easy way to connect with educators, job seekers, and students to offer career exploration in your industry. It’s a win-win – win! You are provided with opportunities to cultivate your future workforce, educators are meeting state requirements, and students and job seekers are learning about careers in their community.

Register at and contact Director Jennifer Pontzer at

This article was published in the Venango Chamber’s September 2021 VenangoWorks! Newsletter.

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