
FLEX Professional Development Tip: Virtual Etiquette

Many of us have spent the majority of this year on multiple virtual calls a day. While you may consider yourself a  “Zoom professional,” it never hurts to get a refresher on tips and tricks to being your best online.

Dress your best
Although most of your body won’t be seen, wear a shirt that looks like something you would wear to the office. FLEX President Kat Thompson calls this the “Web Call Mullet”—professional up top, party on the bottom.

Show up on time
You can’t blame tardiness on traffic or similar issues if you are taking the call from home. Timeliness is still appreciated and important.

Be Prepared
It’s one thing to show up on time, but we encourage you to be ready to discuss and listen. Take notes as you go and contribute when you can.

Limit Distractions
This can be challenging depending on your situation, but try to take calls somewhere with limited distractions—both audible and visual. Go to a separate room from your family, sit in front of a blank (or simply-decorated wall), and mute yourself when you’re not talking.

Show Your Face
Unless you are eating or aren’t able to go to a private room, people want to see you, especially since we have had less connection with others this year. Turn your video on and share your smiling face with others!

This article was published in the Future Leaders & Entrepreneurs Exchange’s (FLEX) November 2020 edition of the FLEX Your Ideas (FYI) Newsletter.

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