
Gaining Skills & Experience Through FLEX Involvement

Network with other young professionals, have fun, make friends, volunteer in the community—all benefits of getting involved with FLEX. Did you know you also have the opportunity to gain leadership and professional skills by becoming more engaged with the group?

By participating in a committee, you can help plan our events and speaker series, promote the group, attract and retain members, assist in coordinating volunteer efforts, and much more. Not only do you help FLEX grow and have something new to add to your resume, but you also gain skills and experience that will allow you to grow as a professional.

“Since becoming involved in FLEX, I’ve had opportunities to lead a meeting, plan and organize events, and learn to network effectively,” said Kat Thompson, current FLEX Vice President/Secretary and incoming President. “I can now use these skills at my workplace, benefiting both myself and my employer.”

At our Annual Meeting on October 25, we elected next year’s officers, as well as chairs for our three committees (see below). All attendees at the Annual Meeting got involved in brainstorming future activities for FLEX. Each person wrote ideas for events, volunteer activities, and speaker series topics on a note card, and the note cards were then passed around for other attendees to rate.

We’re looking forward to looking through all the note cards at our upcoming committee meetings and carrying out some of these ideas in 2020. Whether you’re interested in serving on a committee, sharing an idea, or learning more about how you can get involved, we want to connect with you! Email or contact any of the new officers below to get in touch.

Welcome 2020 FLEX Officers!

President Kat Thompson
VP/Secretary Saxon Daugherty
Events Committee Co-Chair Ashley Smith
Events Committee Co-Chair Rachel Stiller
Membership Committee Chair Laura Ordaz
Marketing Committee Chair Tessa Byham
*Click names to email chairs

This article was published in the Future Leaders & Entrepreneurs Exchange’s (FLEX) November 2019 edition of the FLEX Your Ideas (FYI) Newsletter.

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