
“The Valley that Changed the World” Premiere

Oil 150This past Saturday evening I had the pleasure of attending the Premiere Screening of “The Valley that Changed the World”.  What a wonderful event!  Hosted by the Oil Region Alliance of Business, Industry & Tourism, Oil 150 and WQED Multimedia, the evening began with a reception that included music by the Church Street Blues.  Earlier this year the group had taken grand prize at the 2nd Annual Oil Country Bluegrass Festival for writing the song “Black Bubbling Crude”.  Upon entering the beautiful Barrow Theatre I could immediately see that this event would be attended by many of those in our community who have played an important role in telling the story of our region’s history.

Now let me be honest that I am not a big history buff.  I am very aware of the important role that oil has served, not only here but in the lives of everyone worldwide; however I do not seek out history facts and am admittedly poor at conveying our story to visitors.

But back to Saturday. Opening remarks were made and then the lights went down.  Soon the screening began and I kid you not, I got  goosebumps.  The documentary that we viewed was wonderfully produced, a mix of old photographs and films, along with the stories told by contemporaries who are well versed in the rich history of the Oil Region.  I’ll let you find out who the stars of the show are when you get to see for yourself.

As we left the theater  every one was abuzz about the  show and our good fortune to have been a part of this evening.  I would recommend that whether you are one of those who loves to learn more about the past or like me often takes our heritage for granted, you should make plans to see “The Valley that Changed the World”  You can order your copy today at or call the Oil Region Alliance at 814-677-3152

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