
Businesses Can Go “Back to School” Too

If you’ve been in a store recently, you’ve probably noticed “Back to School” signs, supplies, and maybe even excited or disappointed students, marking the end of summer and the beginning of fall approaching. As students, parents, and teachers prepare for the start of the new school year, we encourage you and your business to prepare to be involved as well. Here are some ways your business can support our education efforts and the VenangoREADY program.

1. Subscribe to and read the monthly education email. In this email sent mid-month, we share career opportunities for students and ways employers and educators can connect. Keep an eye on the calendar of events and participate in mock interviews or career days. Share information with teachers and schools about an educational opportunity your business provides, like an in-class presentation, business tour, job shadow, scholarship or internship.

2. Add your business as a VenangoREADY Supporter. Adding your business to the list of supporters on our website means you and your business recognize the importance of students taking the initiative to gain proficiency in the core attributes, and value the VenangoREADY designation. It’s also another way to highlight your business and its opportunities.

3. Create a Career Poster. We have a free catalog of career posters we make available to all local schools. Simply provide us with the information and we’ll make an 11×17 poster that students, parents, and anyone else visiting the schools can see to start thinking about a career at your business.

Find more on our website at:

To learn more about the Chamber’s involvement in education, join our email list at: or view the education page at:

This article was published in the Venango Chamber’s August 2022 VenangoWorks! Newsletter.

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