I attended a Social Networking workshop this morning, coordinated by the Small Business Development Center and the Northwest Commission. There were about 25 attendees and their experience ranged from beginner to very experienced. OK, I admit that I count myself the latter. Even at that the amount of information exchanges was overwhelming. I left the Read More…
Cranberry Festival Better than Ever!
The Venango Chamber is busy making plans for the Cranberry Festival on Saturday, September 19th. The festival committee is excited to offer some fun new events to this year’s festival. The 1st Annual Scarecrow Contest is being planned. This event is free to any area business, non-profits, families, or individuals. Wooden mounting posts will be Read More…
So Many Mixers!
The Venango Chamber has a busy month of September with three mixers scheduled. Make sure you RSVP to the Chamber for these fun (and free!) networking events. Call 676-8521 today! Clarion University-Venango Campus (September 2 5-7PM) Celebrating the addition of two new residence halls and the renovation of the West End Pond. Joint mixer with Read More…
Social Networking Brown Bag
The Venango Chamber continues to take a lead role in teaching businesses how to use Social Media applications such as Twitter,Facebook and YouTube. Not everyone is comfortable with these new technologies but it is hard to deny that they continue to grow in popularity. Chamber members are invited to stop by the Chamber conference room Read More…
Better Together
I was fortunate this morning to once again be able to meet with representatives from across the region to discuss how to work together to promote our area’s assets. This was the 6th meeting specific to how to market the rich concentration on Arts related businesses that exist across the Venango Area and Oil Region. Read More…
2009 Festival in Review
It’s hard to believe that another Oil Heritage Festival is behind us. Most of the events from years past were held as usual and a few new events were added. The first ever “Chalk the Bridge” was held during the Oil Heritage Festival Parade. FLEX held the Second Annual Ultimate Frisbee Tournament. Despite a forcast Read More…
Oil Heritage Festival Thursday Concert
This evening’s Oil City Idol Concert will be held in Justus Park. While there is a chance of rain, we are optimistic that it will be minimal. Please come prepared with an umbrella, jacket and lawn chair and ready for a great evening of entertainment!
Oil Heritage Festival Basket Raffle
Each year the Chamber holds the Oil Heritage Festival Basket Raffle. Always a favorite fund raising event, the Basket Raffle gives Festival goers the chance to win beautiful gift packages valued at $200-over $500. Chamber members and Community business donated all of the items, which include promotional items, merchandise and gift certificates. The baskets can Read More…
The Chamber has been working to learn, use and teach social media. The advantages are many but one of the most important is reasons for our engagement is to drive traffic to our website, which is one of our most dynamic ways to promote our members. As we learn how to better use these valuable Read More…
Toot Your Own Horn
As we prepare to publish yet another monthly newsletter I think of all the great news there is to share about business in our region. I am painfully aware that it’s tougher than ever and many of us are struggling with trimmed down budgets, hiring freezes and first time ever layoffs, but new businesses continue Read More…
History: However You Like It
I have no problem admitting that I’m no history buff, nor am I interested in becoming one. This can be tough at times as I live in a region surrounded by an interesting past that attracts visitors and occupies the thoughts and energy of many locals. With a healthy respect I do my best to Read More…
Venango Regional Airport 2009 Business of the Year
The Venango Area Chamber of Commerce has selected the Venango Regional Airport as the 2008 Business of the Year. This annual honor is awarded to a local business that meets several criteria in recent years, including the ability to overcome adversity, marketing achievements, expansion or quality improvements and commitment to the community. Established in 1946, Read More…