Mark McIver of Schaeffer’s Specialized Lubricants shares how networking through the Venango Area Chamber of Commerce has fueled his business. This article was published in the Venango Chamber’s January 2025 VenangoWorks! Newsletter.

Mark McIver of Schaeffer’s Specialized Lubricants shares how networking through the Venango Area Chamber of Commerce has fueled his business. This article was published in the Venango Chamber’s January 2025 VenangoWorks! Newsletter.
We are just getting started with the winter weather here in Venango County, but the Chamber is already looking ahead to Summer as we begin planning our events and festivals. Chamber Golf Outing – June 26 The Chamber will be back at Wanango Country Club in June for our annual golf outing. Join us for Read More…
A new series for the Chamber, Put Kat to Work follows our staff member Kat Thompson as she goes out into the community and works closely with a member business each month. PUT KAT TO WORK – Episode 1 In our first episode of the series, Kat went to a job site with C Read More…
The Chamber is excited to announce three new members have joined the Board of Directors in 2025. They are: Seth Herrick of the Oil Region Alliance Jennifer Hughes of First National Bank of PA Carolyn Rosen of Evans, Garvey, Lackey & Ochs We are excited to have their individual skills and expertise around our board Read More…
Baked Goods From Heaven (BGFH), bistro and bakery owned by Heaven Daugherty, opened the doors of their new location on January 5. The Chamber hosted a ribbon cutting on January 6. BGFH is now located in the former Famoore’s Restaurant space at 18 East First Street in Oil City. The new space will feature a Read More…
FLEX is now accepting nominations for the 2025 Young Professional of the Year. Nominations are open to the public. Nominees must be 18-40 years of age and live and/or work in Venango County. A review committee will choose the honoree based on their overall civic engagement and community impact, as well as how their lives are Read More…
Winter brings unique challenges, from limited daylight to colder temperatures. but a few small intentional habits can help you feel your best, both physically and mentally, for the upcoming months. Start with preparation. Dress warmly with layers and sturdy, non-slip footwear to stay safe and comfortable. Check your vehicle’s tires, fluids, and emergency kit to Read More…
Venango 4-H held its annual 4-H Leadership Banquet to recognize 4-H volunteers and teens for the hard work and dedication that they put in to supporting area youth all year. 4-H youth, parents, and volunteers nominated and voted on Outstanding 4-H Male and Female Volunteers. They selected Becky Metz and Gary Schick as the 2024 Read More…
As the new year approaches, consider setting a goal that benefits you and your community: engaging in local government. With a local election in 2025, now is the perfect time to start paying attention to what’s happening in Venango County. Advocacy simply means using your voice to influence decisions that affect your community. Local government Read More…
Drake Well Museum and Park is accepting applications for its Summer 2025 Museum Internships. The museum is offering three paid student internships with two offered through Friends of Drake Well, Inc., and the third offered through the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission (PHMC)’s Keystone Internship Program. The two internships offered through Friends of Drake Well Read More…
Looking to hire summer interns? Now is the time to start planning! Share your internship opportunities with us. We’ll provide helpful resources and work to connect eager students with the right employers. Pictured: Chamber 2024 summer interns, Tori McClelland (left) & Ellabay Perry (right) in the Oil Heritage Parade 5 Ways Your Business Can Help Read More…
UPDATE – THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED United Way of Venango County will be holding their first combined event with United Way of the Titusville Region, CoCo & Cabernet. CoCo & Cabernet is an evening dedicated to indulging in the finest chocolates, exquisite wines, and beautiful floral arrangements. The indoor event brings together local wineries, Read More…